Frank Petersen, Rødmose Handel presents :



An electronic Logbook for classic cars and motorcycles





Do you struggle with  :


-        Remembering when you did a given repair or service ?


-                           Remembering how many miles you ’did’ last year ? Or the year

before that ?


-                           The pictures you took while changing the headgasket last year.

Where are they ?


-        How to find insurance information, frame number and engine data

rapidly ?


-        How about documents like old V5’s etc. They are probably In the safe, but it can be a pain to get them ?


-       Anchoring pictures, comments and expenses from the event or rallies that you participate in ?


-       Finding part numbers for common parts and remembering where you bought them and at which prices ?


-                           In short : getting the OVERVIEW over data and economy


Then you really should try this program !!